i am so looking forward to magfest. i have missed it, as we could not go last year as i was 7 months preggers. this time, i have a 9 month old in tow. we'll see how it goes. went to acoustic cafe in spring, and he was fine. but, he was 4 months old and could not move from the blanket. it will be a trip. oh, and the car trip - 6 hours. what are we going to do for that long? hope he stays happy- like he usually is. looking forward to ashley and jason's wedding on thursday. hope we can get out of town and down there before they get hitched too. all these things have to align, tho. packing, cooking, preparing for the ride. wanted to take the subaru, to save on gas, but we may just take the tahoe to ride a little more comfy - better carseat and more room to pack more stuff. gas has gotten so cheap, too! i filled up this morning for $2.85! i'm ready to hear some bluegrass and lay in a hammock. relax and enjoy. have a nice weekend everyone!
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